Monday, December 30, 2013

Guess who's back, back again. Morgan's back, tell a friend.

Because of my work schedule (did I mention I got a job back in November at my favorite place?!), I only had a few days to go home for Christmas. And guess what?! I loved every minute!! I flew into Arizona at 6:15 Christmas Eve night...just in time for the Kornegay Christmas Eve party!! Michael picked me up from the airport, which made for a fun ride to the party....seriously, he and I have the best/funniest talks. In the short 30 minute drive to my aunt and uncles house, we talked about almost everything that has happened in the 4 months we were apart, and more. Seriously, he and I are so funny.

Ethan and Emma had no idea I was coming home for Christmas, so when I walked into my Aunt and Uncles house, we made quiet a scene. Emma started crying, and Ethan immediately turned it into a game of hide-n-seek. Then I went around and hugged my parents (they're the BEST), and the rest of my family that I haven't seen in months. After saying hello to everyone, I then stuffed my face with Rosa's green salsa (my I could drink this stuff it's so good), and my moms Andies mint and cherry cookies. Ugh so good. Shout out to my Grandma Kornegay for driving all the way out to Mesa and getting me my own container of green salsa!!

No family get together would be complete without a bunch of selfies!!

Me and my girls!!

The standard "make a goofy face" picture

More selfies!!

I don't know how to take a normal photo....

He's kind of my favorite person ever!

Quality cousin bonding time

We are seriously the cutest

Christmas Day was spent at my Grandma and Grandpas house down in Scottsdale, which is always fun! I could eat my Grandmas homemade rolls and jelly for dayssss.

The day after Christmas was spent with family at the movies (how great is Catching Fire?!), and hanging out/gossiping with some of my favorite friends! You can't go wrong with Oreganos and good company!!

Sadly, my 72 hours ended all too quickly, and I had to fly back to Utah. But don't worry Ethan, I'll be back on March 21 at 5 p.m. !!! ;)


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

5 things you might not know about me 2.0

In case you weren't already bored with the first 5, here are 5 more!

6. Food

There are 5 things that, if I could eat them for the rest of my life, I would.
    ~ Sushi (eel is my faaaaavorite!)
    ~ Diet/Cherry Coke (Diet from McDonalds/Cherry from Jimmy's the best!)
    ~ Pretzel M&Ms
    ~ Corn Dogs (holy crap so good!)
    ~ Little Debbie Swiss Rolls

7. Big Ole' Baby

I am a giant cry baby when it comes to movies. Both sad and happy tears. But, there are 2 children's movies in particular, that make me cry like a little school girl....EVERY. TIME. The first movie being the very first Land Before Time. It is absolutely heart breaking, and gets me every time. Ethan and I usually enjoy a good cry together when watching that movie. The second movie I cry like a little baby in is Elmo in Grouchland. Holy crap. The scene where he looses his blanket.... I just can't.

8. Movie Quotes

I could quote movies alllll day. We can't even have a normal conversation in my family because someone is always quoting a movie.

   "The physical appearance of the please makes no difference!" 
- Despicable Me

   "Last year, I built an internal combustion engine and entered it into the science fair." "Yeah well you wouldn't happen to have it on you, would ya?" 
- October Sky

- Dead Poets Society

    "This, is the North Pole." "No it isn't" "Yes it is!" "No it's not, where's the snow?!" 
- Elf

"Pullover!" "Actually, it's a cardigan but thanks for noticing."
- Dumb and Dumber

    "You pay this women to sit on babies?! Thats disgusting!....I do it for free." 
- Cat in The Hat

"Yes, a thousand times yes!"
- Pride & Prejudice

9. Back in Time
If I could go back and time, I would become a dancer. I love dance. The two years that I did dance where some of my favorite. Hula lessons for one year when I was like 10, and one year of dance in high school. I regret not staying in dance. Those years were some of the most fun I have ever had.

10. Favorite Color
Leopard print. Hands down. And yes, leopard print is a color. Tell me it's not. I dare you. I wear leopard print everyday, in one way or another. Jenna Lyons, the Creative Director for J.Crew said, "As far as I'm concerned, leopard print is a neutral".


Monday, November 18, 2013

5 things you might not know about me

Everyone on Facebook was doing it, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

1. 3 major fears
    ~ Skunks
    ~ Bees
    ~ Ped Eggs (you know, those creepy little things people use to get the dead skin off of their feet)

2. France
I dream about doing a study abroad program, and eventually moving to France. I just love everything that has to deal with the French culture. I have books that talk about having that certain 'je ne sais quoi' that all french women seem to have. I even have an app that helps me learn French. #sorrynotsorry

3. No Control
I pee my pants all the time. Like, seriously. I have almost no control over my bladder. I peed my pants 2 out of the 6 years I went to girls camp. Some friends of mine and I were out 'snipe hunting' at camp with some leaders, and I ended up scaring myself. I refuse to go snipe hunting (ages 12 and 15). One time I was laughing so hard I peed my pants before a church dance (age 14). Another time I was so excited for Christmas that I peed my pants, and then blamed it on Emma (age 16). Seriously, no control.

4. Royal Family
I honestly don't know how many hours I have spent watching videos on the Royal Family's YouTube Channel. It is pretty fantastic. I mean, how perfect is Kate Middleton?! My senior year of high school was the year that Will and Kate got married; my mom let me stay home from school that day so her and I could watch the Royal Wedding live. And the day the world got the first glimpse of Prince George Alexander Louis, you better believe I was live-streaming it from my phone.

5. Probability and Statistics
I hate math with a flying passion, but I am oddly good at probability and statistics. It is the only math class that I have ever received an A in. I actually have FUN doing it.

What are your 5 things?


Monday, October 21, 2013

Like Father, Like Daughter

My life has never been boring. There is never a dull moment with my family. Being the second oldest of five kids, I'm not only the favorite, but the one that all the 'strange' things tend to happen to. Like, seriously.

During my freshmen year of high school I popped a couple of blood vessels in my hand from 'texting too much'. Seriously. The doctor called it "textenitis". You better believe my parents took my phone away for a loooong time. I had to have my entire arm in a cast for a couple weeks until all of the swelling went down. I even made it into the school newspaper.

Senior year I got stung by a bee, and ended up being hospitalized and needing to have emergency surgery on my hand. Leave it to me to get super sick from the medicines that they were giving me, making my stay at the hospital even longer. Did I mention this happened the last week of my Senior year?

So, naturally, it was only time that something 'exciting' happened to me.

I was over at my friend Ali's house, just laying down, relaxing after waking up early and going to work that Saturday morning. I started to sit up because I had to pee (sorry TMI, but it will make sense in a minute), but I literally could not sit up. I started hysterically laughing because I had no idea what was going on! I started telling Ali through my bursts of laughter that I couldn't sit up, which only made her start dying of laughter herself. I had this terrible pain in my lower right side and I had no idea what was going on. After 5 minutes of not being able to sit up, I called Dr. Mom to see if she could diagnose me from 600 miles away. She thought it was a muscle spasm and suggested that I go take a hot bath to try to relax it. After trying to stand up to get myself to the shower, I started to break down crying. The pain was only getting worse and it was getting hard to breath.

My parents suggested that I call the insurance company to see what the best place (Urgent Care or ER) to go would be. And, with my luck, the women on the phone was useless. So we decided to go straight to Urgent Care; the only problem was that I couldn't get myself down the stairs and into the car. In comes Ali's Uncle Mike, who, so nicely carried my down the stairs and into the car. And off we went.

Once we arrived at Urgent Care, Ali grabbed me a wheelchair and wheeled me inside and got me checked in. Once we got in the back, the nurse took one look at me crying and sitting sideways in the wheelchair (it was more comfortable that way) and said that we needed to get to the ER right away because she thought it could be my appendix. The women didn't even take my vitals. So, off we went.

At this point, I am balling my eyes out because the pain was so bad and I still hadn't peed (an hour had passed by this time). Finally, I get wheeled into the ER hysterically crying, and trying to ignore the nurse who was trying to crack jokes to make me feel better. While the nurse was wheeling me down the hall toward the room I was going to be in, he told me that I had to go in the bathroom and pee in a cup so he could go run some tests on it. Sahweeet. It was the best news I had heard all day!! And let me tell you, I felt like a new woman. #sorrynotsorry #myblognotyours I wasn't completely better, but my pain level went from a 9 to a 4 in 37.82 seconds.

The rest, was a blur. I was given Vicodin, and thats all I remember.
The verdict?
KIDNEY STONES!! (one of the many traits I apparently inherited from my dad)

After being released from the hospital at like 9:30 that night, Ali told me that her and I had been invited to go hang out at our friend Matts house. I was feeling great at this point (drugs, when take appropriately, are a beautiful thing), so of course I wanted to go, even though I knew I looked and felt like death.

I don't remember much from hanging out at Matts house, but I was told afterward by Ali that I was a little rude and bratty. HA oops. I also called my mom that night after we got back from Matts and she told me later that I was talking non-stop....oops.

What's the lesson from this story?
I have the best family and friends ever!! 
Don't drink more than one Diet Coke a day because it will give you kidney stones. ;)

No more Diet Coke for me! :(


Monday, September 30, 2013

Hooray Sports! Do The Thing, Win The Points!

I am not a huge sports fan. Like seriously. I just don't care. I'm not into them like most people are. I just get bored too easily.

My feelings about sports . . . .

There are only two times when I will watch anything sports related for fun.

1. Olympics - If you know me, you know I LOVE the Olympics. For real. Summer. Winter. I love it all. However, I prefer to watch summer over winter. My favorites to watch? Gymnastics, both mens and women's (I mean, have you SEEN Sam Mikulak?!), Swimming, and Beach Volleyball. Although, if the gymnastics qualifiers are on TV, I will watch that also.

2. BYU Football - Super fun to or lose. Go Cougars!

Why do I bring this up you ask? Well maybe it because I went to my FIRST BYU Football game on Friday!!! It was seriously SO much fun! So, I basically live at my friend Ali's house on the weekends (you remember Ali, right?), and this past weekend we both were GIVEN BYU tickets by her Uncle Mike. He has season tickets and went out of town this weekend for a scout trip, so he GAVE us his tickets. So freaking cool.

We got there too early . . .

Game Day Selfie!!

And to make my first BYU game experience even better, THEY WON!

So, next on my Bucket List: RIO Summer Olympics 2016. Who wants to take me?! ;)


PS: So I have already learned a ton in my Medical class this semester, so when the injured Tennessee player was being taken off the field, I spent like five minutes trying to diagnose him, and figure out what kind of fracture he had on his leg. HA! I also tried to diagnose all of the sick people that I saw at the game...  #nerdalert

Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Hi, Yes, Pity Party For One Please"

Okay. Lets talk. You and me.

No ones life is perfect. I get that. Yes everyone has their ups and downs....their good days and their bad days, but the past few days I have been focusing ALL of my attention on the bad things. I could write up an entire 17 page (only slightly exaggerating) list of struggles/burdens/trials I have going on right now.

• Roommate struggles (again)
• Not being able to sleep (4:30 in the morning isn't my ideal bed time)
• Having more homework during the first 2 days of school then I have had in my entire life (like, seriously)
• Trying to overcome some of my OCD issues (HA)
• Im having to learn to be more patient (I felt like I already had the patience of Job....turns out I don't)
• Finding a job that works with my school schedule

Seriously, I could go on! 

The other day was so bad, that I went and cried in my bathroom and had my own little pity party. It didn't last long, but it was much needed.

Later that night, I decided that this would be the worst semester ever if I continued to have that same attitude day after day, about every little thing that went wrong.

I have SO many things to be grateful for!

• Good health!
• Music!
• I may have a LOT of homework, but I absolutely LOVE my teachers and the friends I have already made in my classes!
• McDonalds $1 large soft drinks that make completing all of my homework possible!
• Being able to attend such an amazing school!
• Attending firesides/reading old conference talks that you feel were meant for you! 
• Having such an incredible family that is willing to do whatever they can to help me!
• Noise canceling headphones! (seriously though)
• Having great friends who are always there with a listening ear!
• Being able to step outside my door and walk on the sacred grounds of Temple Square!
• The power of prayer!! And the comfort and peace that it gives me!

There truly is so much to be grateful for!! Take some time out of your day, and think about what you are grateful for.

Life becomes easier when we stop focusing on the bad, and instead, focus all of our energy on the good.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling 20....

Throughout the years.... 

Rocking those floral overalls like it's my job

First time fishing (I make an excellent fish impersonation)

Birthday Dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse

I wish I had taken pictures on my birthday this year!! It was such a fun day. The Captain took work off that day so he and I could hang out. He hates shopping, yet he took me to J.Crew TWICE!! What a great Dad!! (don't judge, he bought me a couple of things at the first J.Crew, and then I went back a second time because I wanted another pair of jeans....I have an honest addiction to the store) #sorrynotsorry He also took me to buy some Macaroons earlier that morning. I have always wanted to try macaroons....they are SO good. Raspberry is definitely my favorite flavor. 

Later that day, some good friends of mine took me out to dinner. So fun! There is never a dull moment when we are all together! I'm pretty sure the waitress we had thought we were crazy. HA! And to make it even better, I rocked some of my new J.Crew clothes to dinner.... nothing like a fun night out with friends and a cute outfit!

After going out to dinner with friends, I came home to a large Marie Calendars Chocolate Satin Pie. It was fantastic! I also was serenaded with a beautiful "Happy Birthday" song from my Mom and Emma. I would post the video, but I would hate to loose my spot as "The Favorite Child" ;) 

I am SO grateful to have such amazing people in my life!!


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Returned With Honor


I can't even put into words how excited we all were on the day of Michaels return. I'm not going to lie though, it has been so exciting to have him home, but let me just say, some days were harder then others. It's not all kicks and giggles. Like seriously, I wanted to slap Michael at least 5 times a day every single day since he has been home. It was hard because he was trying to adjust to all these new things around a shower. Seriously, after being home for a few hours, and after unpacking his luggage, he got into the shower. None of us here at the house thought anything about it, but then we all about peed are pants from laughing so hard when we heard him bust out singing in the shower. He was just so excited he had warm water!! HA.

So I had made a cute little video, but for whatever reason, it's not working. So here are a few random pictures from the past couple of days.

On our way into the Airport!!!

 Mother and Son reunited!

Returned With Honor

Ethan and his big brother

Matt, Grandma, Michael, Ethan, and Emma leaving the airport

Michael and Grandma

Also, some of my favorite people on this good earth came down from California for Michaels homecoming talk. I ALWAYS love spending time with them.

This is what happens when my Uncle Brian gets bored with his camera....

 Lisa, Grandma, Michael, Jon

Grandma, Dad, Me, Ethan, Mom, Michael

Jon, Mary Lou, Lisa, Denise, Jimmy, Tyler, Ryan

Allyson, Lisa, Grandma, Michael, Mary Lou, Jon

Katie and I
{can I just say that I REALLY liked this particular outfit?! Thank you J.Crew}

While it was hard at first having to adjust to having Michael home, things have already gotten much better. In fact, he woke me up this morning by coming into my room and saying (in the creepiest voice possible), "Come on little chunkers, it's time to get up". Yep, the old Michael is back.

I am SO blessed to have such an amazing Eternal family. 
Welcome Home Michael!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Forever Spy Kids

I don't think my family has ever been considered 'normal'. Our day-to-day life is much different then that of my friends. Like every family, we have our 'hard' days, and we have our 'easy' days. There are certain things we can and can't do. There are certain days where we could go out and do something as a family, but it might be better for our families well being to just stay home.

Ethan, my 17 year old brother, has Autism. 

I love my Ethan. I am who I am because of the sometimes difficult situations and lessons that I have gone through personally and with my family. I would never consider Ethan to be a 'trial' in my life . . . . he is just the opposite. He is a B L E S S I N G!

I have learned patience, how to act fast when things get difficult, how to interact with other special needs children. I have learned how to slow down and help others, and I have learned to ignore strangers who are quick to judge and sometimes (most of the time) give odd looks.

Ethan seems to 'like' me more then any of my other siblings. Not to toot my own horn, (totally tooting my own horn here) but Ethan always seems to turn to me. Ethan always has to hold someones hand when we leave the house. He will usually hold mine or my Dads hand. Very rarely will he hold my poor Moms hand (she always asks him if he will hold her hand and usually gets rejected), and he might hold Emmas hand if they are on good terms that day. HA. It will be interesting to see if Ethan will want to hold Michaels hand when he gets back in SEVEN DAYS! (#sorrynotsorry....can you tell im excited?!)

Michael Leaving for his Mission July 6, 2011

For as long as I can remember, Ethan and I have always been the "Spy Kids". I don't remember how old I was when it started, but Ethan was going through a phase where Spy Kids was his favorite movie at the time. So one day, we were all out grocery shopping as a family, and he asked Michael and Emma to do the 'Spy Kids' move and they both refused because they were embarrassed. He then asked me. You better believe that I did the 'Spy Kids' move with him in the middle of the isle!! (part of how I learned not to care about getting funny looks from strangers) Ever since that day, Ethan and I have officially become the Spy Kids. We could be at a restaurant, movies, school, anywhere and I will do the 'Spy Kids' move with him if he asks.

 Ethans 8th Grade Graduation 2010

 Family Pictures June 2011

Airport November 2012

I feel like Ethan and I have always been close, but I personally noticed that we became closer during my senior year of high school, which was Ethan's freshmen year. I was doing the Peer Tutor Program that year, and I requested to have Ethan as my student that I would assist in class. Ethan and I went through a lot that year. Since we had early morning Seminary at the school, Ethan would come with me to the seniors Seminary class every day. After Seminary was over, he would hang out with me and my friends until school started. From there Ethan and I would walk together to his first period class; the same class that I was his peer tutor in. Ethan has a very good memory, so there were days where he would have a meltdown because he would remember that a certain student in that class actually ATE a piece of his sticky tape 2 months ago. (sticky tape is his favorite don't mess with the sticky tape). Or the time he thought he dropped his sticky tape in our Seminary classroom. So, what did I do? I took Ethan to our Seminary classroom (luckily I had that teacher for my 3rd hour and he loved me because we walked in right as the class was taking a test), and both Ethan and I got on our hands and knees and crawled all around the classroom looking for his lost sticky tape. It was no where to be found. Turns out he had left it at home that day....

There were somedays where he would just be having 'one of those days'. You know, those days where you just want to beat up anyone who does something to annoy you. Well, this one particular day, Ethan started having a meltdown in the middle of the school hall, right as, what felt like 28,000 students were trying to get to class. He ran away from me while yelling some not nice things, (he is a CRAZY fast runner), made a couple of loops around the halls, and then came back to me and started kicking the wall, and banging his head on it, while yelling a couple unmentionable things. Seriously, not even joking when I say that the whole school was there to witness it. And did I care? Not for 2 seconds. They don't know me, they don't know him, they had no idea what was going on. Again, I learned not to care about the people who starred. What did I do? I simply went up to him and gave him a big hug as tight as I could possibly give him....and called our Mom so she could try and calm him down over the phone. He eventually calmed down and we went about our day.

Ethan and I continue to grow closer. I always tell my parents that when the time comes and they are too old to have Ethan living in their home, that he will come live with me and my family. Ethan and I already have some plans for it too. We are going to paint his room 'sky blue like Andy's room in Toy Story", and he is going to have a dog. Its going to be great.

I sure love my Ethan. 


P.S: Want to know what I'm really excited about? Michael asked us all to not 'run to him' as we see him walking off the plane because he will start to cry. He personally emailed me saying this and that I had to tell the rest of the family. So what did we (my Mom and I) decide? (....remember Ethan is a runner) We are going to let Ethan RUN to Michael and get this FIRST hug. (Michael doesn't know this, so this is going to make for one great story/event/video) He sure has missed his big brother.

P.P.S: My Dad writes an amazing blog about Ethan and some of our families day to day events. Feel free to read it Out Of The Grass

Friday, July 5, 2013

Gluten Free and 4th of July Celebrations

For the past couple of months I haven't been feeling great. Some days I am fine and others I don't dare leave my little room. After calling Dr. Mom earlier this week, explaining that I am sick of it (pun intended), she has come to the conclusion that I might have Celiac Disease, meaning I might be allergic to gluten. I don't go back to AZ for another 12 days (SO close, yet SO far away), so in the meantime Dr. Mom has recommended staying away from anything that might contain gluten until I return home to AZ and see if I feel better. Ugh. Can I just say that gluten free food is EXPENSIVE. I did, however, find a new favorite treat to eat that is gluten free....Boom-Chicka-Pop Popcorn. I get the lightly sweet flavored kind. It's fantastic. Also, WOW Baking Company Chocolate Chip Cookies. Two thumbs up for these gluten free cookies.

Anyways, going 'Gluten Free' during the week of the 4th of July is the worst. I was invited to my friends house this week to spend a couple of days with her and her family to celebrate the 4th of July. They held a BBQ at there house and invited some of their family and friends over. It felt like their were gluten loaded foods everywhere!! I enjoyed a simple ketchup only cheeseburger (without a bun, obv) and watermelon for dinner. I just didn't look up at all of the other yummy-looking-gluten-loaded-foods everyone else had on their plates. All was well.

We later enjoyed a game of golf, in which we were all told to keep track of our own scores and and see who came out with the fewest shots. The winner had a final score of 21. I decided to stop counting once I got to 28. Golf isn't really my forte. After playing a few other games, it finally got dark enough for fireworks. We set off our own fireworks, and then watched the neighbors set off what seemed like hundreds of fireworks. We all came to the conclusion that they had spent about $2,000 just on fireworks. They were insane, but a ton of fun to watch.

What made the 4th of July even better? A cute outfit, of course!! I had just purchased a new shirt the day before that I am in LOVE with. Thank you Gap!!

4th of July Outfit
{Jeans: Hollister, Shoes: Target, Belt: F21, Shirt: Gap, Sunnies: Anthro, Necklace: J.Crew, Bracelets: F21, J.Crew, Charming Charlies}

Tuesdays Outfit . . . . I was dying to wear my new ShoeDazzle flats!
{Bracelet: J. Crew, Chambray Shirt: Gap, Flats: Shoedazzle, Jeans: Abercrombie, Leopard Belt: F21}

Friday Faves!! 
{ShoeDazzle Flats, Anthro Sunnies, Gap Baseball Shirt}

How did you spend your Holiday? Any recommendations on Gluten Free foods to try?


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Life Of A Poor College Student

This week really made me think. The summer semester is quickly coming to a close, with only a months break before the fall semester starts up. I have worked and worked to save money for college. I worked throughout high school. I paid for my own driving insurance and cell phone bill. I drove my parents car to and from work. Somedays, at 16, 17, 18, and 19 years old, my parents dropped me off and picked me up from babysitting or work because they needed the cars that day. If I wanted a car I had to work for it. I didn't get handed one. I put all (okay most....I enjoyed a little shopping spree every now and then) of my money to school.

I have been blessed with not having a job the 2 semesters I have been in college. Now, I NEED one. (a big fat scholarship with my name on it would be nice too). I have been thinking about all the money that i'm going to need for school, yet there are other things that I want, and would rather do with my hard earned money.

I want to travel the world. I want to be tan. I want to be a cute little fashion blogger that somehow becomes best friends with other well known fashion bloggers. I want a Jeep Wrangler. I want to learn how to REALLY dance. (not just the random, uncoordinated dancing that I seem to do whenever a good song comes on). I want a Tory Burch purse. I want to drink Starbucks and eat sushi everyday. I want to own everything inside J. Crew. I want to have enough money to pay for school. I want to be able to go on spontaneous road trips to places I've never been. I want to eat pretzel M&Ms and Cherry Coke everyday without gaining weight. I want a yellow lab.

Worldly. Worldly. Worldly.

The world seems to focus more on the things they want or 'need' and don't ever seem to focus on what they h a v e. It's not wrong to want something. Sometimes wanting things can teach you patience, the value of a dollar, and how to work.

I don't NEED to be tan. I don't NEED a Jeep Wrangler. I don't NEED Starbucks everyday.  I don't NEED a Tory Burch purse. I don't NEED any of those things. I have everything I need.

I have the Gospel. I have a loving Heavenly Father that understands me. I have an eternal, and loving family that loves me, including amazing parents and amazing siblings that are my best friends. I have 'Sushi Mondays', and 'Starbucks Fridays'. (I alternate them every other week; sushi one week, Starbucks the next). I have 2 feet that can take me near and far. I have fair skin (makes for good family jokes/nicknames like Casper). I can laugh at my uncoordinated self and the way I dance.

Sure, I still plan on saving for a Jeep Wrangler, and a Tory Burch purse, but I have everything I NEED.



Friday, June 21, 2013

I Just Like To Smile. Smiling Is My Favorite.

If you know me, you know I laugh at everything. Seriously....everything. (And you would also know that I'm like, really funny. It's a gift.) When I was younger my Uncle Jimmy used to call me 'Giggles' because I would never respond to anything he would say, I would just laugh.

I just enjoy being happy. I like things that make me smile. I feed on those things. They make my day better.

Here are some things that make me smile/laugh/happy . . . .

Cherry Coke. 'Nuff said.

If someone wants to buy me this shirt, that would be lovely. #onlyreasoniwouldwatchbaseball

They don't know me. They don't know my life. They don't know what I've been through.

This video. (Her reactions are the best)

But seriously.

Summer Olympics -  I love it all (except water polo and basketball because that stuff is boring), but my favorite games to watch are the gymnastics and beach volleyball. Seriously, I dare you to talk to me when I'm watching the men's and women's gymnastics part of the Olympics. Like, seriously. And, have you seen Sam Mikulak? He does America proud.

Read this in Snapes voice, it's funnier.

Yes, I like Harry Potter, no I'm not sorry about it. (HP series has moved to space #5 on favorite movies list; sorry TKAM)

Getting my SnapChats sent to me after people 'screenshot' them.

"How wonderful is it that we laugh because our bodies cannot contain the joy"
