Thursday, June 27, 2013

Life Of A Poor College Student

This week really made me think. The summer semester is quickly coming to a close, with only a months break before the fall semester starts up. I have worked and worked to save money for college. I worked throughout high school. I paid for my own driving insurance and cell phone bill. I drove my parents car to and from work. Somedays, at 16, 17, 18, and 19 years old, my parents dropped me off and picked me up from babysitting or work because they needed the cars that day. If I wanted a car I had to work for it. I didn't get handed one. I put all (okay most....I enjoyed a little shopping spree every now and then) of my money to school.

I have been blessed with not having a job the 2 semesters I have been in college. Now, I NEED one. (a big fat scholarship with my name on it would be nice too). I have been thinking about all the money that i'm going to need for school, yet there are other things that I want, and would rather do with my hard earned money.

I want to travel the world. I want to be tan. I want to be a cute little fashion blogger that somehow becomes best friends with other well known fashion bloggers. I want a Jeep Wrangler. I want to learn how to REALLY dance. (not just the random, uncoordinated dancing that I seem to do whenever a good song comes on). I want a Tory Burch purse. I want to drink Starbucks and eat sushi everyday. I want to own everything inside J. Crew. I want to have enough money to pay for school. I want to be able to go on spontaneous road trips to places I've never been. I want to eat pretzel M&Ms and Cherry Coke everyday without gaining weight. I want a yellow lab.

Worldly. Worldly. Worldly.

The world seems to focus more on the things they want or 'need' and don't ever seem to focus on what they h a v e. It's not wrong to want something. Sometimes wanting things can teach you patience, the value of a dollar, and how to work.

I don't NEED to be tan. I don't NEED a Jeep Wrangler. I don't NEED Starbucks everyday.  I don't NEED a Tory Burch purse. I don't NEED any of those things. I have everything I need.

I have the Gospel. I have a loving Heavenly Father that understands me. I have an eternal, and loving family that loves me, including amazing parents and amazing siblings that are my best friends. I have 'Sushi Mondays', and 'Starbucks Fridays'. (I alternate them every other week; sushi one week, Starbucks the next). I have 2 feet that can take me near and far. I have fair skin (makes for good family jokes/nicknames like Casper). I can laugh at my uncoordinated self and the way I dance.

Sure, I still plan on saving for a Jeep Wrangler, and a Tory Burch purse, but I have everything I NEED.



1 comment:

  1. You make your parents proud! ;)

    It's not always been easy for you, but you've learned a lot about responsibility and have a great attitude. Go you!!! <3

