Monday, September 30, 2013

Hooray Sports! Do The Thing, Win The Points!

I am not a huge sports fan. Like seriously. I just don't care. I'm not into them like most people are. I just get bored too easily.

My feelings about sports . . . .

There are only two times when I will watch anything sports related for fun.

1. Olympics - If you know me, you know I LOVE the Olympics. For real. Summer. Winter. I love it all. However, I prefer to watch summer over winter. My favorites to watch? Gymnastics, both mens and women's (I mean, have you SEEN Sam Mikulak?!), Swimming, and Beach Volleyball. Although, if the gymnastics qualifiers are on TV, I will watch that also.

2. BYU Football - Super fun to or lose. Go Cougars!

Why do I bring this up you ask? Well maybe it because I went to my FIRST BYU Football game on Friday!!! It was seriously SO much fun! So, I basically live at my friend Ali's house on the weekends (you remember Ali, right?), and this past weekend we both were GIVEN BYU tickets by her Uncle Mike. He has season tickets and went out of town this weekend for a scout trip, so he GAVE us his tickets. So freaking cool.

We got there too early . . .

Game Day Selfie!!

And to make my first BYU game experience even better, THEY WON!

So, next on my Bucket List: RIO Summer Olympics 2016. Who wants to take me?! ;)


PS: So I have already learned a ton in my Medical class this semester, so when the injured Tennessee player was being taken off the field, I spent like five minutes trying to diagnose him, and figure out what kind of fracture he had on his leg. HA! I also tried to diagnose all of the sick people that I saw at the game...  #nerdalert

Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Hi, Yes, Pity Party For One Please"

Okay. Lets talk. You and me.

No ones life is perfect. I get that. Yes everyone has their ups and downs....their good days and their bad days, but the past few days I have been focusing ALL of my attention on the bad things. I could write up an entire 17 page (only slightly exaggerating) list of struggles/burdens/trials I have going on right now.

• Roommate struggles (again)
• Not being able to sleep (4:30 in the morning isn't my ideal bed time)
• Having more homework during the first 2 days of school then I have had in my entire life (like, seriously)
• Trying to overcome some of my OCD issues (HA)
• Im having to learn to be more patient (I felt like I already had the patience of Job....turns out I don't)
• Finding a job that works with my school schedule

Seriously, I could go on! 

The other day was so bad, that I went and cried in my bathroom and had my own little pity party. It didn't last long, but it was much needed.

Later that night, I decided that this would be the worst semester ever if I continued to have that same attitude day after day, about every little thing that went wrong.

I have SO many things to be grateful for!

• Good health!
• Music!
• I may have a LOT of homework, but I absolutely LOVE my teachers and the friends I have already made in my classes!
• McDonalds $1 large soft drinks that make completing all of my homework possible!
• Being able to attend such an amazing school!
• Attending firesides/reading old conference talks that you feel were meant for you! 
• Having such an incredible family that is willing to do whatever they can to help me!
• Noise canceling headphones! (seriously though)
• Having great friends who are always there with a listening ear!
• Being able to step outside my door and walk on the sacred grounds of Temple Square!
• The power of prayer!! And the comfort and peace that it gives me!

There truly is so much to be grateful for!! Take some time out of your day, and think about what you are grateful for.

Life becomes easier when we stop focusing on the bad, and instead, focus all of our energy on the good.
