I have been blessed with not having a job the 2 semesters I have been in college. Now, I NEED one. (a big fat scholarship with my name on it would be nice too). I have been thinking about all the money that i'm going to need for school, yet there are other things that I want, and would rather do with my hard earned money.
I want to travel the world. I want to be tan. I want to be a cute little fashion blogger that somehow becomes best friends with other well known fashion bloggers. I want a Jeep Wrangler. I want to learn how to REALLY dance. (not just the random, uncoordinated dancing that I seem to do whenever a good song comes on). I want a Tory Burch purse. I want to drink Starbucks and eat sushi everyday. I want to own everything inside J. Crew. I want to have enough money to pay for school. I want to be able to go on spontaneous road trips to places I've never been. I want to eat pretzel M&Ms and Cherry Coke everyday without gaining weight. I want a yellow lab.
Worldly. Worldly. Worldly.
The world seems to focus more on the things they want or 'need' and don't ever seem to focus on what they h a v e. It's not wrong to want something. Sometimes wanting things can teach you patience, the value of a dollar, and how to work.
I don't NEED to be tan. I don't NEED a Jeep Wrangler. I don't NEED Starbucks everyday. I don't NEED a Tory Burch purse. I don't NEED any of those things. I have everything I need.
I have the Gospel. I have a loving Heavenly Father that understands me. I have an eternal, and loving family that loves me, including amazing parents and amazing siblings that are my best friends. I have 'Sushi Mondays', and 'Starbucks Fridays'. (I alternate them every other week; sushi one week, Starbucks the next). I have 2 feet that can take me near and far. I have fair skin (makes for good family jokes/nicknames like Casper). I can laugh at my uncoordinated self and the way I dance.
Sure, I still plan on saving for a Jeep Wrangler, and a Tory Burch purse, but I have everything I NEED.