Ummmm hi hello....I haven't posted in the longest time! I had one post in the makings for about a month now, I just forgot to post it!
So, here is (almost) everything that has happened since I posted last!
Ethan graduated from Boulder Creek!! He did SO good at graduation....even though they pronounced his middle name wrong!
Roosevelt 2014!!
(Sorry Kennedie!!)
That one time the bunk bed fell on top of Amy....#sofreakingfunny #sorrynotsorry #dontworry #shesokay
Nothing says 'Happy Birthday' like being showered with 800+ balloons! So glad we were able to spend part of the day with Tyler Hallsey and his cute family! #WhateverItTakesTyler
Mother-Daughter Sushi and Movie date!!
Love all of my cute Fam!!
I'm going to try to start posting weekly!