Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 is MY year

Can I just say how great 2014 has been so far?! I've already had a ton of fun, and it's only the second week of January. Like, I can't even explain how much fun these past 2 weeks have been! Meeting new friends, connecting with old friends, snowmobiling, New Years Eve party hoping....It's all been great!

Kneaders with some of my favorite people

Snowmobiling for the first time

We had a contest at work that lasted five weeks, and I was voted MVP....TWICE! #holla

Yea for 2014 being amazing!!

To make 2014 even better, I've created a list of resolutions that I want to accomplish. I've never been good at sticking to my resolutions, but 2014 is MY year, and i'm sticking to it!!

10 Resolutions for 2014:

1. All A's every semester
2. Get into shape/loose weight
3. Smile/Be the first to say 'hello'
5. Attend weekly school devotionals
6. No bad words #dontjudge
7. Do 1 thing that terrifies me
8. Travel to a new place
9. Begin and end every day with a smile and prayer
10. Read 15 new books

What are some resolutions that made your list this year?
